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Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival
by T. S. Wiley
Binding: Paperback
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Results Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival
Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival The spike of insulin after a binge makes the serotonin in the brain turn into melatonin and its lights out In our culture we take in as much carbohydrate in a day as a rummy on a binge For him and us the natural recovery is the same Sleep it off RESURRECTION OF THE TRUTH Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival by Wiley Get at least 95 hours of DARK sleep every night when you wake up it should be dark or dawn Never sunny yes this means you have to go to sleep at like 9 But it is worth it Cut out all sugar from your diet Cut out all vegetable oils from your diet Use coconut oil butter and olive oil instead Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival by T S Wiley If you sleep at night for the number of hours it would normally be dark outside you will only crave sugar in the summer when the hours of light are long It is the perennial adaptation or the chronic constant intent to hibernate that causes overconsumption of carbohydrates and obesity and its attendant high blood pressure high cholesterol and inevitable heart failure Book Review Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival by TS Lights Out really drives home the importance of getting enough sleep in a dark cavelike room The recommendation is to sleep as many hours as you would in nature according to seasonal light exposure This translates to a minimum of 95 hours for 67 months of the year Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival Critical MAS Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival by T S Wiley is an amazing book right up until the end Readers of this site already know that I am convinced of the evolutionary fitness and nutrition argument Although my science background is limited self taught it makes sense to me Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival T S Wiley Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival Anticipating the scarce food supply and forced inactivity of winter our bodies begin storing fat and slowing metabolism to sustain us through the months of hibernation and hunger that never arrive Our own survival instinct honed over millennia is now killing us Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival book by Wiley A lack of sufficient sleep interrupts the production of insulin testosterone estrogen seratonin can lead to diabetes obesity depression heart disease cancer senility infertility and a laundry list of other medicallyincontrovertible health crises including paradoxically sleep apnea About For Books Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival For Read PDF Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival Download Free Lights Out Sleep Sugar and Survival eBook Now with light available 24 hours a day we gulp down food all year long So Wiley and Formby assert it is light not what we eat or whether we exercise that causes obesityand diabetes heart disease and cancer Indeed eating bacon ham butter and eggs for breakfast doesnt impair health and exercise can make you fat Lights Out Sleep Sugar And Survival PDF Lights Out Sleep Sugar And Survival PDF When it comes to obesity diabetes heart disease cancer and depression everything you believe is a research gleaned from the National Institutes of Health Wiley and Bent Formby deliver staggering findings Americans really are sick from being tired Diabetes heart disease